Monday, December 20, 2010

Sheep or Dogs - who get's the credit?

Some of you may know that I have a warm spot in my heart for the sheep. I'm not sure what it is, their woolly fleece or the groupiness of the animal/herd. Anyway if you have more than a few sheep you need dogs. Then of course if you have time on your hands - see what these guys have done.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Knit-A-Square - The Connecticut Connection!

This time of year has all of us traveling around.  I was at our Association Annual Meeting this past Monday.  While I was speaking with one of my neighbors, she was telling me about the knitting group they have at her church.  Of course you might imagine that I brought up KasCare. 

She thought it was great idea.  She mentioned to me that the woman sitting in the back row was the former owner of the yarn shop in town and that she would call her to see if the Yarn Shop owner and I could get together.

Once we get through the holidays, she said that she would get me the introduction to the church group!  Yippie, this is great.

One Square at a Time, One Child at a Time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Knit-A-Square - The Connecticut Connection!

See the children sing and thank you for your squares! Look how beautiful the children are with the most beautiful blankets.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Special Olympics Connecticut


It's Special Olympics time again and yes they are asking for scarfs once again.  Two years ago they were overwhelmed with the generosity of those that contributed scarfs for the opening ceremony.
SPECIAL OLYMPICS CONNECTICUT as part of the 2011 Special Olympics USA Scarf Project!

Special Olympics Connecticut athletes compete in the following winter sports: •Alpine Skiing •Snowboarding •Floor Hockey •Figure Skating •Speed Skating •Cross-Country Skiing •Snowshoeing

Special Olympics Connecticut’s goal is to collect approximately 1,950 scarves to provide our athletes, coaches, volunteers and supporters a symbol of handmade unity.

Please ship your scarves no later than February 19, 2011.
Deadline to receive scarves is February 26, 2011.

Please ship to:
Special Olympics Connecticut
Attn: Scarf Project
2666 State Street, Suite 1
Hamden, CT 06517

They ask that you follow the following guidelines to help maintain consistency and uniformity.

Red Heart® Yarns Super Saver 886-Blue
Red Heart® Yarns Super Saver 512-Turqua

*Please incorporate both the Blue and Turqua into your scarf design.

Length: 54 to 60 inches long
Width: 6 inches wide

To read more about it, follow the links below!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Knit-A-Square - The Connecticut Connection!

Edyie has come through. She is the International chair of the General Federation of Women's Clubs(GFWC) local club.  The Newington/Wethersfield Women's Club will be officially adopting Knit-A-Square as their International project!

Long story, short - Edyie and I met through my volunteering at the Library. This past November, I was at the polls promoting Library cards with Norma. We talked, and Knit-a-Square came up. She also knew Edyie. A month ago, Edyie and I spoke about the project. I sent her the information and voila!

This is great for Knit-A-Square - I'll be speaking at their meeting on Jan 25th. Edyie is excited as she thinks that we can bring KasCare to all the clubs in Connecticut. GFWC has about 48 clubs in Connecticut alone, then there are the clubs in other states!

PS she has 26 squares for me and will be dropping them off this week!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Krochet Kids International

I'd like to introduce you to this great group of guys that crochet. They put together this non-profit organization that is empowering people in Uganda to make a living with one of my favorite pasttimes. If you are looking for a crocheted hat, consider buying one from them. As they say, "buy a hat, change a life".

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Wish

Many of us are rushing around with the last of the preparation of festivities of this great holiday. 

For me it's not only the cooking, cleaning, it's the frenzy that will happen the day after as we rush to the next holiday.  Each year I wonder, is it the deadline, is it the change of the weather or what is it?  You fill in the blank.

I wish everyone to take a moment, spend some time with your lace, your fiber, your craft.  Not the item you are making for the gift to Aunt Tilly; spend time on your gift to you - your craft. 

Take time to k2p2 another row, find the special yarn, CTCTT a few bobbins, ds with the tatting shuttle, even just browse a book of ideas for some inspirations for projects to come.

However you spend your holiday - may you have Health, Joy and Peace.

Photo courtsey of Mystik Productions @flicker

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Festival of Trees & Traditions

Is it officially the Holiday season?  Now we can get to the traditions of the holidays.  It's the traditions that can make the holiday time warm and lovely.  Whether its the annual office party, good food and drink shared with love ones, or a stroll in the nippy cold (up here in Connecticut) to see the lights - its a season to enjoy.

There's one tradition at the Wadsworth Antheneum Museum of Art celebrated each year - now in its 37th! year.  The Festival of Trees and Traditions will open on Thursday, December 2nd, at 5:00 pm in conjunction with First Thursdays

What an evening this First Thursday will be.  NELG's tree will make its debut for the first time.  Some lucky person will be going home with a tree filled with hand made lace fans.  The picture above was our tree from last year.  There are 40 fans, each one with hand made lace on them.  There's bobbin lace, tatted lace and crochet lace.  The fans are different colors and so are the pieces of lace.  Thanks to all the members of NELG for taking the time to produce the lace and to Mary L. for putting all the fans together.

Back to the celebration.  First Thursday - it's going to be a WOW of a night, with music, food, and all the decorations.  There are over 200 artists entering their holiday decorations into this event.  The museum will be looking rather festive and grand.  The decorations will be for sale that evening and throughout the event.  I wouldn't wait if you see a tree, wreather, or other holiday bauble that takes your fancy.  They go quickly.

I urge you to attend as it will be a great night.  If you can not make it then, come on by - the Festival will be open through December 13th. 

See you First Thurday!

PS  all decorations stay on display during the festival.  You can pick up your's once the festival is over.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Studio Time at Jill's

This past week we had studio time again at Jill's.  Nancy, Jeanne, and myself visited at Jill's and made some lace.  I was working on Shelby's blanket.  It's getting closer to done now and a bit exciting.

Studio time is great for me.  It's chance to share events, patterns, books, the famous UnDo's, news in each of our lives. 

We all discussed our great success at the New England Fiber Festival held at the Big E in Springfield, MA two weeks ago.  It was a great time.  Jill noticed that the festival arranged to have 'four hour workshops' available to those attending the event.  She had emailed me on this earlier and said ... 'think about it'. 

We discussed it a bit, we could set up a small project, like a pin that could be completed in the time allotment.  Those of us that demonstrate often times bring a 'try-me' pillow so that event attendees can actually handle the bobbins and make some lace.  I bring along my snake pattern pillow - it's multi-colored and kids really enjoy making lace.

Thanks to Jill for Studio time.  I'm considering taking a lesson or two on some really interesting point ground laces.  (yes I know - not till next year !)

Friday, November 12, 2010 - Squares for Children

Hi all,

It's been a couple of crazy weeks and it's been fun.  I've completed a couple more square myself inbetween all of the crazies.

I wanted to thank Kristy - she has been crocheting non-stop and loving life.  This past weekend her husband, Scott, dropped off her batch of squares.  Oh my goodness - there were 107!!! 

Congragulations Kristy my most heart felt thanks! 

Today I just received another email.  Carol wrote "Any way, my squares are done!!! My goal was 50 squares and to finish my yarn, I got to 51!!!!   Yippie to Carol!  You've done beyond great!  There will be warmer children because of you.

This is such a great way to finish up the "stash" of miscellaneous bits 'n pieces of yarn we all have.    I'll be picking up her squares over the weekend.

More later ,,,,,  This is getting really exciting!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fiber Festival at the BIG E

It was a wow Festival!  Great job to the folks at the Big E in Springfield, Massachusettes. 

NELG was invited to have a gratis booth at the two-day show.  Thanks to our members and Jill's coordination with them, we staffed it  with demonstrators.  Extra thanks to Jill for the creating and printing of the new NELG banner.  (I need a better camera and remember to take pictures!)

I was there for the Sunday show. Since I did not change my clocks the night before, I was there an hour early!  I did appreicate the extra hour of sleep today.

There were lots of vendors with all sorts of roving and yarns and assorted items.  What was different here, is that the farms brought their critters so we had lots of sheep, alpacas, bunnies and goats in the north side of the building.  Once I figure out how to do sound here, I'll do a the alpaca humming I learned or maybe not.

Our booth was busy - lots of folks stopping by and wondering about what we were doing.  There was only a few exclaimations of  "oh that's tatting".  I had a simple Bruge lace pattern on my pillow and a try-me snake pillow.  Bryce had her beautiful Swedish pattern, Barbara K. brought ancient lace on her pillows and our newer member, Linda showed folks about tatting! 

We handed out our brochure, talked about the advantages of membership in the group.  I must say - without really any coordination among us, we were working great together with enough variety to show visitors what lace is about.  About half way through, we noticed that none of us had any English on a pillow and missed out showing spangled bobbins.

I'm looking forward to next year already - so mark your calendar - 1st weekend in November!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

NELG Website

It's coming along - not the one you can get to by clicking here but the new one that is being worked on as I type.

It is exciting.  NELG is a great organization that I've been a member of for some time.  Now that I have been 'involved' as opposed to just writting the check member, it's time to help us out and grow our group.

It seems just recently - last year or so - there are so many events that our organization can take part of and show off the making of lace.  Anyway, it is looking really nice.  Jill, who is our President, and I went to work on a new site about two weeks ago.  It is already taking shape.  Moving all the data over to this hosted site will make working with NELG on the web the place to get Lace information in New England!

Keep an eye open - I'll update you as progress continues.  We hope to launch it very soon.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Craft for a Cause - JoAnn Crafts

JoAnn's Craft for a Cause ended for entries on October 30th.  I'm sure there was a flurry of activity as crafters put up the last of their entires.  I got my square put up there for KasCare's Knit-a-Square.

The three winners are:  American Cancer Society; Operation Write Home; and Project Linus.  By clicking on the links, you can read more about each charity.

Beginning on the 7th of November you can return to JoAnn's, and may vote for your favorite of these three charities.  The first place charity will receive the $50,000 first prize, $25,000 for second place and $15,000 for the third place.

Who will you Vote for?

Stitches East 2010

What an event!  If you don't know of it, it is a long week-end conference sponsored by the The Knitting Universe.  It's about knitting and lots and lots of yarn!  I did feel a bit left out being a crocheter, though the yarn made up for it.

Lori and I had made a date to go to the event quite a time ago.  It's been so difficult to get together, family issues, and other items and before long, time has flew by. 

We met at the Convention center at about 10am and began the feast.  Talk about stimulus overload and all the great yarns you can't imagine. 

The yarn was amazing - hand spun skeins, amazing work from the big mills, lots of different types, alpaca, wools, silks and even some man-made fibers. The colors, hand dyed, oh my goodness, I think I'm still drueling over them.

While walking about, you get to meet many of the designers.  It was interesting to meet several and discuss with them for a moment or two about their journey to becoming a designer. 

I found a few new yarn shops - hmmmm.  I know I made a promise to finish what I have in process.  I did pick up a book on needle lace and some tatting needles and finally a magnifying lense that I can attach to my pillow when I work.

All in all it was a great event and a great day with Lori.  We finished it up with  burger from Max Burgers in West Hartford.    Thanks Lori for a fun day. 

PS Looking forward to Stitches East 2011 - it will be held at the Hartford Convention Center once again.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Squares, Squares and more Squares

Hi All,

The squares are coming in!  This picture is from S.A. at a volunteer's home on October 13th!

I wrote to the organization cheering them on.  This is such a great effort.   See their letter below.  I'm so inspired that I will be continuing to collect squares past the November date that I first thought.  

 This past weekend I made two squares with left-over Lion Brand Homespun.  It worked up beautiful and really quickly.

Keep up the good work - call me for any questions

Thank again!

Hi Patty

Thank you so much for your email, I love your email address!

What a wonderful job you are doing of spreading the word. 250 squares and 100 people getting involved will help innumerably.

You are welcome to the photos Patty. Thank you again for all your hard work.

Warm regards
Kalai McDonald - Administrator

To support us please consider a small recurring fee of US$3.oo per month, please go to
Click here to view:
Every day is Nelson Mandela day with knit-a-square
Please join our forum for help with anything you need and to be a part of a wonderful commmunity
Here are links to the facebook and twitter pages:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

NELG Meeting

It's October and the New England Lace Group NELG is going on the road this Saturday for their meeting.

We will be meeting at Webs in Northhampton Massachusetts. We will be demonstrating lace making throughout the store from 11 am to 2 pm.

Hope you can stop by and see us.

PS  just in case you want to make a different road trip - the Rhinebeck Sheep & Wool Festival is also this weekend at the Duchess Cty Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck NY. 

Great idea for a drive through the New England fall colors and checking out this two day fesitval.  The sheep are the stars here.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CT Lace Day

Connecticut Lace Day for October was hosted by Jeanne.  One of our newer members.  We had a lovely day.  I met Jeanne at Jill's studio nights this past summer.

As you can see, lots of us were actually doing and undoing lace for the day.

For me, I was working away at the Shelby blanket. 

These CT days are great.  We enjoy the conversation, share stories, and sometimes even talk about lace.  There were several instances when the entire room went quiet.  All you could hear was the clinking of bobbins on the pillows.

Thanks to Jeanne's husband for taking this picture and then he developed them and  presenting each of us with a copy at lunch.

Keep an eye open - NELG will be demonstrating at Webbs in North Hampton Massachusetts this Saturday, October 16th from 10am to 3pm.  Hope to see you there.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Festival of Trees & Traditions

Coming up on Thursday, Dec 2, 2010  will be the kick off of the Festival of Trees & Traditions.  Mark you calendar if you wish to bid on the NELG's Tree. 

This is long time event of the Wadsworth Atheneum.  Many organizations decorate and donate a tree to the festival to be auctioned off.

NELG was asked if we would donate a tree.  We had done a tree for another organization the year before.  This year, with the request from the Atheneum, we decided that we will produce a tree for their event.

If you love lace, then you'll love our tree.  It's about 4ft and decorated with hand made lace edged fans.  We have recieved great applause for this work and it is amazing!  I've submitted two pieces of lace to date.  I'm in the middle of making another piece.

If you are a lace maker - get your lace completed and to Mary.  Check NELG website for additional information.

Hope to see you at the Festival!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Demonstrating making Lace

So mark your calendars.  October 16th we will be at Webs in Northhampton MA and on November 6th & 7th we will be at the Fiber Festival at the Big E grounds.

Why demonstrate?  First of all I find it fun.  Most of all, it is showing the public what bobbin lace is, a bit of it's history, and that almost anyone can make the lace.

Each of us (demonstrators) make it different.  Some of us bring exhibits, some bring pillows the public can work, some just bring a current pillow project.  There is not one way to do it. 

I found that by watching the crowd around you then you 'invite' them to come closer and see.  I have also found that having a name tag helps you look a bit more approachable.

There was an experience that came to my attention just recently.  Unfortunately, there wasn't enough information given to the demonstrator about the "set up time".  She had traveled some distance, arrived before the 'open' time, yet it was after the cut-off time for the use of the carts.  Without the carts, it was too difficult for her to move her display.  Unfortunately, the lace maker left without demonstrating.  It was a loss for her and a loss for all the patrons at the event.

Let's work on our information about demonstrating, get it out early, and have really successful days in the public!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

NELG Meeting

Last weekend was the first gathering of the New England Lace Group since the summer vacation and the first meeting of the new year.  We met at the Joshua Hyde Public Library in Sturbridge. 

Business meeting was first.  We reviewed the past year's financials and the current year's budget, brillantly done by our treasurer, Winann.  Our vice president, Carolyn W,  outlined the programs to be held during the next couple of months and a few surprises for next year.  We congratulated the Big E winners and noted the upcoming themes for 2011 and 2012.  Our president, Jill, indicated that the nominations committee should get underway for next year's canidates as president and member-at-large will be open positions.  We discussed opportunities to demonstrate at a new venue this coming fall at the Eastern States Exposition - the Fiber Festival along with other events.  All said - we closed the meeting to get on to our program.

Carolyn W prepared a great presentation on the needle lace Alençon.  When we were at Rhode Island School of Design, we were able to see Napoleon's bed spread.  This was truly a treat and we were all impressed with the small bees that were decorated the spread.  She gave us a bit of history of Napoleon and the creation of the bed set.  Look for a future article in the publication Piecework Magazine

We all began with a sampler.  This will be my first attempt at needle lace - errrrrrr.  For beginners, it is made with a pattern that is stiched to a cloth backing to give it some strength.  Then the outlines are made with several strands of the thread you will be using and will be 'couched' down on the pattern.  There is a method to it all, like using a different colored thread to do the couching! Then the real work begins, you begin to make the stitches.  We are using a small darning needle and plain old sewing thread.  I'll put up pictures once I get a bit done. 

Over all, we had a great time.  Next month we will be demonstrating at Webs Yarn in Northhampton, MA from 11am to 2pm  - Join us on October 16th!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Demo at the Big E

It was Connecticut Day at the Big E and according the staff, one of the largest attendance days.  Go CT!

I choose the day as it's in the middle of the week, and I like to see the parade.  There are lots of CT related high school bands, the Governor and her Foot Guard, the State Police, fife and drum and lots of others.  The end of the parade was the Budweiser Clydesdales and the Hallamore Clydesdales each with a eight-horse hitch.   So amazing the size and strength of these gentle giants.

In the morning, traffic was bruttle and took me almost 90 minutes to go 34 miles!  Gate 1 is where the one day volunteers, vendors, and performers get to park.  It is so nice, it is right next to the back gate making it easy to bring in my lace making gear.

The New England Building / Creative Arts is where we get to set up.  Actually we don't really have a space, we set up in the aisle. It would be nice if we had a 'real' space we could set up in (hmm idea for next year).  Linda (fellow lacemaker) met me there and we set up our space so the patrons of the fair could learn about lace.  I met Linda at the fair last year and helped her rekindle her love for lace making.

Before you know it, the building opens with a raising of the flag, accompanied by a group of fife and drum musicians.  It is fun to watch the patrons go by, some are outright curious and come up and declare that I'm tatting (lol) and others are too shy unless you invite them over to see what we are doing. Time goes so quickly, some where around three and a half hours into it, I could feel my voice getting scratchy.  We handed out lots of NELG flyers to interested folks and may come up we a few more members!

I must say - it was a successful day.  Many for folks learned a little more about bobbin lace.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ladies and Gentleman and all those fiber enthusiasts ...  the list is now available -

This year's winners at the Big E for Lace have been selected!  Congratulations to everyone.

Big E opened today - and will run until October 3rd.  Stop by the Creative Arts Building and see our display.  If you are there on Wednesday, I'll be demonstrating.  I feel so inspired.

The link above will take you to the pdf list - here a quick list.  Once again, good job to all. 
Department 4 - Lace
Section A - Bobbin - Original

Class 2 - Non-Instructors
1st Wolf, Bryce M.

Section B - Bobbin - Adaptation

Class 1 - Instructors/Professionals
1st Hawkins, Jill
1st Hawkins, Jill
1st Hawkins, Jill
1st Schick, Doris

Class 2 - Non-Instructors
1st Karwarski, Frances
1st Karwarski, Frances
1st MacLean, Gail A.
1st MacLean, Gail A.
1st Provest, Barbara
1st Sacco, Sharon
1st Wolf, Bryce M.
2nd Bouchard, Nancy
2nd Bouchard, Nancy
2nd Denette, Lynn
2nd Provest, Barbara
2nd Sacco, Sharon
3rd Denette, Lynn
3rd Linden, Mary
3rd Steinmetz, Winann D.
4th Bares, Rosalie P.
4th Morrow, Barbara

Class 3 - Youth
1st Miller, Jacquelyn P.
1st Schyberg, Orion
2nd Figuenoa, Tatyana
2nd Schyberg, Aurora M.
3rd Miller, Jacquelyn P.
3rd Peterson, Gabrielle

Section D - Needle - Adaptation

Class 2 - Non-Instructors
1st Linden, Mary

Section E - Combined - Original

Class 2 - Non-Instructors
3rd Coleman, Jim

Section F - Combined - Adaptation

Class 2 - Non-Instructors
1st Wolf, Bryce M.

Section G - Tatting - Original

Class 2 - Non-Instructors
1st  Perrault, Linda

Special Awards

Class 1 - Best of Division - Adult
1st Schick, Doris

Class 2 - New England Lace Group
 Best Technical Proficiency
1st  Schick, Doris

Class 3 - New England Lace Group
 Best Beginner
1st Schyberg, Orion

Class 4 - New England Lace Group Award
Best Original Design
1st Wolf, Bryce M.

Class 6 - NELG of Connecticut Award
 Best use of color in any lace
1st Linden, Mary
1st Linden, Mary

Class 7 - Lace Bobbins by Chris Parsons Award
Best Continuous Lace
1st MacLean, Gail A.
Class 9 - Lacy Susan Award
Best Use of Color in Any Lace
1st Wolf, Bryce M.

Class 12 - Van Sciver Bobbon Lace
Best Buck Point Lace
1st Hawkins, Jill

Class 13 - Bobbins by Van-Dieren
Best Torchon Lace
1st Sacco, Sharon

Class 14 - Best of Division - Youth
1st Schyberg, Orion

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - Squares for Children

I received this email today and I am still so excited!  Can you imagine! 

Hello Patty: Wow, one of my friends has thirty made, and still going. She is using up every bit of yarn she has left over from her projects, awesome - another has at least 10, I have 6, waiting to hear from the other two. When I get the 30+, I will check in with you and find out when you will be at the Library and get these down to you. Again, everyone is doing simple stitches, not being too creative, just wanting to help the cause.

See ya, Dori

The lady with thirty made - wow - I'd love to use up lots of my scraps too!  I better get upstairs and continue my square!

Friday, September 10, 2010

KasCare - Colors of South Africa

I received a great question, what are the colors of the South African Flag?

So here it is, the red, white and blue date back before Nelson Mandella became president in 1994.  The black gold and green are representative of the South African people.

Wikipedia has a nice write up regarding the history of the flags of this country.  It also contains the proper flag etiquette. 

If you'd like to use these colors, please be respectful on their presentation.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

CT Lace Group Meets - We are Artists!

We had a lovely meeting last Saturday at Boo's home.  Surprisingly it was Labor Day weekend and we had over 14 of us partake in the name of making lace, conversing and enjoying company.

Boo and her husband and two children were the greatest hosts.  As we do, we organize the lunch as a 'bring a dish' as requested by our hostess.  This time, I brought a cheese tray. 

It's not a regular meeting for NELG, more so it is a chance for us to gather for a few hours of making lace or some other fiber interest.  I took the opportunity to get some ideas about a flyer that came across my desk from the Hartford Public Library.  It is their call for Artists for the ArtWalk.  I spoke with Mary and Marian of HPL about the project.  Generally it appears that they only want one artist.  With reading the outline, maybe several artists(lace makers) would be within the confines of artists they would be interested in.

I thought it might be a good project if the group thought so.   I received good feedback.  I'd be looking for already completed works, antique works that inspired current work.   Once I get a chance to talk with our President and her thoughts, I'll be back to the Library to find out about if they would accept an exhibit with more than one artist? 

Either way, it would be a way to get our work out into a larger space and educate the public about lace making.  It would allow us to have an exhibit that could be posted in various libraries and exhibition spaces.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Big E - Your Entry

Is you lace entry ready?  Contact .  We have a group from Massachusettes and Connecticut bringing up the entries!

The Big E's judging day is September 13th!!  Opening Day is Friday September 17th 8am to 10pm!

NELG's members will be present most days - Find us in the New England Center.  Stop by and see Cross / Twist and you too will be making lace!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Squares for Kids

Just a quick note on the squares.  My emails have been paying off.  My list of volunteers are growing, lots of squares, several are postage contributors, and one is a monthly contributor to KasCare.  You can see our numbers grow on KasCare Org - Pledges.

My square is almost finished.  I'll be entering it into the JoAnn's Craft for a Cause and make my vote for KasCare - Knit a Square.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Let's get started on those squares!

As we begin this challenge, I learn so much about how these blankets will help the children.  Then of course, I learn about the individuals that make the squares.

Here's some squares that have been completed by those before us.

Find more photos like this on Square Circle Forum

Friday, August 20, 2010

KASCare - Knit & Crochet Challenge

Today, I launched my committment to KasCare to get the word out about this most important work that is being done by them for the children orphaned by poverty and HIV/AIDS in South Africa.  Thanks for Sandy McDonald and her Aunt Ronda who have brought this mostly hidden tragedy to light.  They started only two years ago and already have had squares delivered to SA from 35 countries.

You can join in and help the children by knitting or crocheting a square.  See  my page on - Squares for Children for more information.

If you get here via my recent email, welcome!  Leave a note for me, email me at

Thank you for your Support!  You can make this difference.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

JoAnn's Craft for a Cause

Just heard about this contest through my KasCare/ Knit-a-Square group.  It begins today, August 15th and runs through October 30th.

Simply you enter the contest on-line - see link above, and five individuals are selected as winners - you recieve a $1500 gift card.

Then the real actions begins. 

Several Charities will be selected and everyone will be asked to vote.  The site says three charities will be chosen and JoAnn's will donate $$big bucks to them.  Though I don't find the "math" working (lol).

This is a chance for yourself, but a great chance for your charity to really win some money.  In these times, when raising money for charities is always a challenge, this is a great opportunity

So, are you working on a project?  See the rules and regulations - simple stuff, one thing you must do -  scan and submit a copy of the receipt from JoAnn's showing the materials used to make your project and three pictures of your project.

Let's get organized and Let's get crafting!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Demonstration Time

Just a reminder to NELG members - get your hours in! 

Next month will be the BIG E.  It will begin on September 17th and go through October 2nd. 

There is so much to do and by demonstrating your lace making skills, you will receive 2 tickets for the day and parking at the back gate!  We need as many folks as possible.  It is a great place to attract new members to our organization  and for referrals for students and teachers.

See the current year's brochure for highlights.  The following days honor each of the New England States.

Special Days are:
Rhode Island Day - Sept 21
Connecticut Day - Sept 22
Massachusettes Day - Sept 23
Vermont Day - Sept 25
New Hampshire Day - Sept 24
and Maine Day - Oct 2nd

Hope to see you there!  It is just a great time for everyone.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meeting Jean Leader

Sunday night some of our lacemakers met at the Rainbow Garden on the Milford Green for a very pleasant evening of lace conversation and all else that is important to us.  They had just finished lace classes with Jean Leader sponsored by NELG.

Thanks to Jill for making these arrangements.  Since I was unable to take Jean's class,  (everyone raved about it), having the opportunity to meet Jean in person was a real treat.

Some of the classmates were already beginning a sample of lace that they learned in class, some took the balance of Sunday off to just relax from the 2-1/2 days of classes.

If you'd like to see some more of this great teacher, visit Jean Leader Lacemaker.  She still has two weeks of classes, one the end of August and one in October if you'd like to hop across the pond to attend.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Jean Leader Arriving

NELG will be hosting a Jean Leader Workshop this coming weekend.  If you haven't signed up - oh well - get in line behind me.

The classes sold out in a flash - though you still have a chance to meet and talk lace at the evening dinners that are planned for Friday, Saturday, & Sunday evenings.

If you want  more information email

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Warm up orphaned children

Yesterday I watched a film named "Yesterday".  It is about a woman, of the same name, living in a remote village in South Africa's Zululand.  It is a tremendously powerful movie and I highly recommend watching it.  It's a foreign film, plenty of English subtitles.  It was a best nominee for a foreign film in 2004.

So what has this to do with being creative?  Lots - in the film I noticed that there was lots of brightly colored crocheted pieces of clothing.  In no time I did a search to find out if there was anything about it.  There is lots!  Most importantly, is KasCare.  This is an organization that is about Aid for AIDS orphans in South Africa.  Founded in Australia, this family, has made it their mission in life to bring awareness to the 1.4million orphaned children in South Africa.

What you can do? It is really simple - make a 8" x 8" knitted or crochet square - send it to them or send it to me and I'll forward it on to them.  That's it.  Dig into your stash bag, grab a hook or needles and in less than an hour you'll have a square.

Check back later, I'll have more news.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shelby's Blanket

Here it is !  This is the progression of how the square motifs have grown from only the small pink center (at the bottom left), up that row, 4th round, and across to the right to the 5th round.

Glad to report that I've completed all 154 through the 5th round.  Round 6, the one with the black is a easy/breezy round!  Those should go quickly.

The last one is a bit more time consuming - though it really shows how the color are working together.  Didn't I just say that?

This was getting exciting, so I continued to put on the 8th round.

Here they are.  The two in the center is a sample of how the 8th round, black in color, and a joining round will enable all the squares to be pulled together.

It's amazing how all the colors work and really pop.

So I'll continue on.  Hopefully over this holiday weekend I'll have a chance to work on them and possible finish up 25 of them or so! 

By the way, this pattern has been okay.  I'm still putsing around with the 8th round as I'm not confident about how the squares are to be joined.  Knowing that this blanket will be used, gets me thinking of how to upgrade the joining to make a strong blanket for my niece.

Hope you are watching Shelby!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

How many books do you have?

It's not surprising that I am looking for software. Now with more experience, I want a SaaS or software-as-a-service applications. Forget the "I want the application stored on my computer". I want it in the clouds.

So how many books do you have?  Do you end up with duplicates?  I have lots of lace and crochet books and it's difficult to get them catalogued for reference purposes, good insurance list, and to be able to search them for 'stuff'.

I came across this company that makes an on-line library for your collection(s). check them out! No matter your collection - be it books, movies, and even mp3s, you can have a hosted inventory of your collection.

Ok - it's the geeky side of me :) When you can find a solution that will assist in keeping order in life - then this is great so far, great price!

If you'd like to see my collection so far .... Lace Books is the link.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Studio Time at Jill's

Since mid-April, Jill has been hosting studio time at her home.  Studio time is time to work on your lace projects.  Of course you can stay at home and work on your projects, yet it's the comradery of lace makers and the sound of the bobbins clicking that make the cross-twist-cross go quickly.

Studio time is also lesson time, time to look at different patterns, and time to "brag" that you finished another piece.  Jill just completed another small motif that will fit in a beautiful silver coaster.  It is truly beautiful and exquisitely made.  I few weeks ago I was attending and actually started a small project.  More on that later.

We are ending studio time for the summer and will resume in the fall.   The next CT Lace Days will be held over 4th of July weekend at Barbara M's home.

PS the bobbins pictured are made from bone and hand painted - they are beautiful!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Yes it is, Round 4 of Shelby's blanket is complete.  I've been carrying it around the last couple of weeks along with two other projects as I move to continue to complete all those 'unfinished' projects'.  As each of them become complete, there is an amazing sense of accomplishment yet there is something more, a chance to be more creative.

Last night was no different.  While I was awaiting the begining of the performance of Pilobolus at the Riverfront under the stars, I was able to complete the last of the round 4.  It's been some time since I've been working on it.  Like all of us, many events pop up, tasks that should be a quick few hours turn into weeks of effort.

So on to round Five - a raspberry color is going to be added.  I was so exceited last evening, upon return home, exhilarated from watching Pilobolus, I began the raspberry round.  After this round, there are two more before the final round that will join all the squares together. 

Hmmm I wonder if I'll be able to begin the last round before the middle of next month?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Creative Time

A few more days at the Studio.  It is coming along and KC and I are quite pleased.  In between all that is on my schedule and the grueling task list I have set for myself, I find time for creativeness. 

I found this article at ZenHabits on how creative people get to be creative.  It is great and speaks that creative time is about the "quiet time" and the "particiation time".  Somewhat opposites yet the to activities balance one another out.

This holiday weekend will have some creative time carved out.  Will you make time?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Studio & some lace

Last weekend was just great.  My neighbor's son, Aaron, came home from college and was available to assist me on moving some of the furniture in the studio.

Previously I had gone through much of the credenza, at right, and emptied it of projects and unrelated items.  Some of the projects are on the top as you can see.  The three baskets underneath - bonus.  It's a bonus as I found the perfectly sized scraps of wood in the garage that would lift up the credenza just enough so the baskets could be slid under it.  Of course Arron did quite a bit of the lifting.

This past weekend I worked on sorting through the patterns and books about crochet in the other book case.  Nice to get the books somewhat catagoriezed.  It does make it easier to get inspiration.  I even had some time to go through and clean up my stash of finished project sheets and notes.  Now it is on to the other corner of the room.  Next weekend may have more accomplishments and successes.

By the way, I've completed 6 of the crochet projects of the 21 since April 25th.  There will be pictures soon!

 I did begin a new lace project last week.  Since I am making progress with the crochet and studio room , I would like to make this project as a gift.  Jill has been having Tuesday night get-together to lace at her home for two hours.  So what a perfect time!  I took an old pillow with me, took off and abandoned an previous project that just wasn't cutting it, made the pricking, wound the bobbinsand began.  Wow - I'm smiling.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

NELG Lace Retreat

The first weekend of May was NELG's Lace Retreat Weekend.  It begins late on Thursday, then all day Friday & Saturday and concludes Sunday after lunch with classes or just for retreating!  We have been at the Sacred Hearts Retreat Center for quite a few years.  It's in Wareham MA on a cove of Buzzards Bay just before Cape Cod.

I took part in just retreating once again this year.  It was great - I took some projects (from the Plan) and went up by early Friday evening.  Accomodations were just lovely, weather was wonderful and most of all, it was those lacers that attended that make it just great.  You can't imagine the amount of creativity that was there on the weekend.  Thank you to everyone!

Next year is all ready booked so mark your calendars, it will be the third weekend of May.  I'm looking forward to the change in the dates as I will most likely be rested enough from tax season to take a class!  Unfortunatley I will not be able to study with Jeanette Van Ord.  This year was her last year that she will be coming (from  Netherlands) to teach.  She has been teaching for the last twenty years and so many students have learned so much about lace from her.  We will miss her!

Holly Van Sciver was our vendor and the other teacher.  She gave a great presentation on Saturday night about Lester Lace that came about at the time when the lace industry was failing and hand made lace was becoming history.  It was truly facinating and informative.

Before we knew it, it was Sunday breakfast.  The silent auction concluded and we made over $300 to help out our group.  I came away with some old IOLI magazines and assorted items to help out the lace corner of my studio.  I did purchase additional bobbins and a couple of books on tape lace from Solivinia. 

Looking forward to the plans for next year.  One item I've been thinking about is either getting there a day in advance or staying an extra day after.  If you are looking for a place to take an individual retreat - I recommend the Sacred Hearts Retreat Center as a great place to get away.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Creative Plans for 2010

About a week or so ago, I began to write my plan for 2010.  My year begins after my busy season to hence it begins the end of April.

One of my items in my plan - get some of those crochet projects completed!  So this past weekend I sent myself to my studio to get a handle on the number of projects I have going.

I began to gather up and set out my unfinished projects. Anyone that enjoys the creative process generally has more than one project on hand. LOL!!! I'll admit to that! I found and agreed to some 21 crochet projects that are in the midst of almost done! I get started because I like the design, or it poses a different stitch I'd like to learn, or it is just different. Often times these projects get put aside as an event will come up and I choose to make an item for that event.
By organizing these projects, I feel somewhat accomplished. I'll be leaving for retreat in a few days and I'm packing some of my projects to work on, several should be completed when I return.

By organizing, I found a few more hooks, found some patterns I'd like to make (new projects!), found some knitting patterns I'd like to translate and we haven't yet spoke about my bobbin lace projects.

I plan to complete all these projects throughout the year.  It's a tall order though I know that with a plan, I'll have a chance to get them done.  Some projects, like Shelby's blanket, I'll be working on each week.  Others like KC's blanket took only a day to finish up. 

During our weekend demonstration of lace making at the Sheep and Wool festival, I took one of my crochet projects and just about completed it. Later on in the weekend, I added the balance of the edging and the tassels. KC wasn't really excited about it (she doesn't like change) though by this morning, she was enjoying her little blanket!

Next to organize - the yarn and thread stash!