KASCare.org - Squares for Children

Welcome to our Connecticut & New England Challenge !

I came across this project by accident and it spoke to me.  With that, I said I needed to reach out into the community to my friends and families to spread the word.

KasCare's Goals are to warm and comfort children in South Africa that have been made vulnerable and orphaned by poverty and HIV/AIDS, to gift them blankets from knitters and crocheters around the world, and to help raise awareness of this mostly hidden tragedy.

So I am making this challenge - Commit to knit or crochet an 8" x 8" square.  Yes, one would be great  - more is always welcome.   If you don't knit or crochet - contribute a few dollars to help us with the postage to get the squares to South Africa.

If you would like to donate directly to the organization  - http://forum.knit-a-square.com/ and scroll down on the right hand side see the "donate" button.  A simple $5 per month would make a world of difference.

Second - Since I can organize well, I'm willing to collect all the squares you make, package them, and send them  to South Africa.  So you can join me by signing on here, send me an email at KasCareNow-CT@yahoo.com - this is a special email I've set up for this project.  I will then give you additional information about getting them to me.

I'm willing to collect squares from Now through the 20th of November 2010. 

To get additional infomation and there is plenty to read about.  Go to the following:

The organization KasCare  visit at  http://www.kascare.org/
The Knit-a-Sqare group  visit at knit-a-square.com
To read the blog  visit at http://allfororphans.com/

To get in on the buzz of what is going on yourself :
  Sign up for the Square Cirlce Enzine - at http://www.knit-a-square/
  Join the community at Knit-a-Square - http://forum.knit-a-square.com/
  Join the Ravelry a knit & crochet community at http://www.ravelry.com/ and look under forums for Knit-a-Square

Come back often to see updates! 

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