Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Squares, Squares and more Squares

Hi All,

The squares are coming in!  This picture is from S.A. at a volunteer's home on October 13th!

I wrote to the organization cheering them on.  This is such a great effort.   See their letter below.  I'm so inspired that I will be continuing to collect squares past the November date that I first thought.  

 This past weekend I made two squares with left-over Lion Brand Homespun.  It worked up beautiful and really quickly.

Keep up the good work - call me for any questions

Thank again!

Hi Patty

Thank you so much for your email, I love your email address!

What a wonderful job you are doing of spreading the word. 250 squares and 100 people getting involved will help innumerably.

You are welcome to the photos Patty. Thank you again for all your hard work.

Warm regards
Kalai McDonald - Administrator

To support us please consider a small recurring fee of US$3.oo per month, please go to http://allfororphans.com/
Click here to view:
Every day is Nelson Mandela day with knit-a-square
Please join our forum for help with anything you need and to be a part of a wonderful commmunity http://forum.knit-a-square.com/
Here are links to the facebook and twitter pages:
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=51404036679&ref=ts
Twitter: http://twitter.com/knitasquare

Thursday, October 14, 2010

NELG Meeting

It's October and the New England Lace Group NELG is going on the road this Saturday for their meeting.

We will be meeting at Webs in Northhampton Massachusetts. We will be demonstrating lace making throughout the store from 11 am to 2 pm.

Hope you can stop by and see us.

PS  just in case you want to make a different road trip - the Rhinebeck Sheep & Wool Festival is also this weekend at the Duchess Cty Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck NY. 

Great idea for a drive through the New England fall colors and checking out this two day fesitval.  The sheep are the stars here.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CT Lace Day

Connecticut Lace Day for October was hosted by Jeanne.  One of our newer members.  We had a lovely day.  I met Jeanne at Jill's studio nights this past summer.

As you can see, lots of us were actually doing and undoing lace for the day.

For me, I was working away at the Shelby blanket. 

These CT days are great.  We enjoy the conversation, share stories, and sometimes even talk about lace.  There were several instances when the entire room went quiet.  All you could hear was the clinking of bobbins on the pillows.

Thanks to Jeanne's husband for taking this picture and then he developed them and  presenting each of us with a copy at lunch.

Keep an eye open - NELG will be demonstrating at Webbs in North Hampton Massachusetts this Saturday, October 16th from 10am to 3pm.  Hope to see you there.