Thursday, September 2, 2010

Squares for Kids

Just a quick note on the squares.  My emails have been paying off.  My list of volunteers are growing, lots of squares, several are postage contributors, and one is a monthly contributor to KasCare.  You can see our numbers grow on KasCare Org - Pledges.

My square is almost finished.  I'll be entering it into the JoAnn's Craft for a Cause and make my vote for KasCare - Knit a Square.


Dawne said...


What a great blog post to stumble upon. I love your enthusiasm and the fact that you've been able to build a local community of supporters/volunteers.

I wish you all the very best as you continue & wish you even more success.

Patty said...

Thanks for stopping by - come back again!

I hope that I can bring new people to understand what is and is not going on.

One day, one square, one child - such success we can make for these kids!
