Monday, April 26, 2010

My Creative Plans for 2010

About a week or so ago, I began to write my plan for 2010.  My year begins after my busy season to hence it begins the end of April.

One of my items in my plan - get some of those crochet projects completed!  So this past weekend I sent myself to my studio to get a handle on the number of projects I have going.

I began to gather up and set out my unfinished projects. Anyone that enjoys the creative process generally has more than one project on hand. LOL!!! I'll admit to that! I found and agreed to some 21 crochet projects that are in the midst of almost done! I get started because I like the design, or it poses a different stitch I'd like to learn, or it is just different. Often times these projects get put aside as an event will come up and I choose to make an item for that event.
By organizing these projects, I feel somewhat accomplished. I'll be leaving for retreat in a few days and I'm packing some of my projects to work on, several should be completed when I return.

By organizing, I found a few more hooks, found some patterns I'd like to make (new projects!), found some knitting patterns I'd like to translate and we haven't yet spoke about my bobbin lace projects.

I plan to complete all these projects throughout the year.  It's a tall order though I know that with a plan, I'll have a chance to get them done.  Some projects, like Shelby's blanket, I'll be working on each week.  Others like KC's blanket took only a day to finish up. 

During our weekend demonstration of lace making at the Sheep and Wool festival, I took one of my crochet projects and just about completed it. Later on in the weekend, I added the balance of the edging and the tassels. KC wasn't really excited about it (she doesn't like change) though by this morning, she was enjoying her little blanket!

Next to organize - the yarn and thread stash! 

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