Sunday, June 27, 2010

How many books do you have?

It's not surprising that I am looking for software. Now with more experience, I want a SaaS or software-as-a-service applications. Forget the "I want the application stored on my computer". I want it in the clouds.

So how many books do you have?  Do you end up with duplicates?  I have lots of lace and crochet books and it's difficult to get them catalogued for reference purposes, good insurance list, and to be able to search them for 'stuff'.

I came across this company that makes an on-line library for your collection(s). check them out! No matter your collection - be it books, movies, and even mp3s, you can have a hosted inventory of your collection.

Ok - it's the geeky side of me :) When you can find a solution that will assist in keeping order in life - then this is great so far, great price!

If you'd like to see my collection so far .... Lace Books is the link.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Studio Time at Jill's

Since mid-April, Jill has been hosting studio time at her home.  Studio time is time to work on your lace projects.  Of course you can stay at home and work on your projects, yet it's the comradery of lace makers and the sound of the bobbins clicking that make the cross-twist-cross go quickly.

Studio time is also lesson time, time to look at different patterns, and time to "brag" that you finished another piece.  Jill just completed another small motif that will fit in a beautiful silver coaster.  It is truly beautiful and exquisitely made.  I few weeks ago I was attending and actually started a small project.  More on that later.

We are ending studio time for the summer and will resume in the fall.   The next CT Lace Days will be held over 4th of July weekend at Barbara M's home.

PS the bobbins pictured are made from bone and hand painted - they are beautiful!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Yes it is, Round 4 of Shelby's blanket is complete.  I've been carrying it around the last couple of weeks along with two other projects as I move to continue to complete all those 'unfinished' projects'.  As each of them become complete, there is an amazing sense of accomplishment yet there is something more, a chance to be more creative.

Last night was no different.  While I was awaiting the begining of the performance of Pilobolus at the Riverfront under the stars, I was able to complete the last of the round 4.  It's been some time since I've been working on it.  Like all of us, many events pop up, tasks that should be a quick few hours turn into weeks of effort.

So on to round Five - a raspberry color is going to be added.  I was so exceited last evening, upon return home, exhilarated from watching Pilobolus, I began the raspberry round.  After this round, there are two more before the final round that will join all the squares together. 

Hmmm I wonder if I'll be able to begin the last round before the middle of next month?